sábado, 24 de março de 2012

Selena and Liza

Wizard Jokes

Sufer Druid hangs out at the beach. Where does he go surfing?
In the pacific potion

What was the Wizards favorite Beach Boys Song?
 Help Me Wand-A
What did the wizard say to his witch girlfriend ?
Hello gore-juice !
Who did the wizard marry ?
His ghoul-friend !

What would happen if you threw lots of eggs at a wizard ?

He would be egg-sterminated !



My favorite things:
Food : Pasta
Series : Jessie and Shake it Up
Actress and actor : Zenadaya Coleman and Cameron Boyce
Song : Rolling in the Deep by Adele and Smile by Zendaya
Film : Elizabeth Turrep and Harry Potter
Singer : Adele in first place and Zendaya in second

Words that discribe me are A good friend, Funny and a person who studies a lot

Here is Helena[Selena] and from now on I'm also going to be posting in Wizardy!!!
ME[The one in the left corner